Monday, July 16, 2007

Theory of cycle of violence

According to the WAO②,there is a pattern in the behaviour of a violent person.
The build up-tension rises.
Stand over phase – the man becomes threatening.
The explosion – the violence occurs.
The remorse phase – the man is apologetic and promises never to do it again.
The pursuit – the man attempts to win the woman back by promising to change.
The honeymoon – things are calm and perhaps even loving.
The build up – tension begin to rise again.

According to research carried out by the WAO, men who beat their wives have a tendency to repeat the act again and again, in what is known as the violent cycle. In a small pamphlet produced by the WAO the following fallacies are exposed:
(1) That the violence or torture inflicted upon you is for your own good

Research has shown that a husband beats his wife solely for the purpose of creating fear and exerting control.

(2) A family in which there is no harmony is better than one which has been split

A child who witnesses the behaviour of a violent father becomes a violent parent in his adult life, thereby perpetuating a chain effect. Children from violent homes also have difficulties in pursuing their academic studies.

(3) Drugs, alcohol abuse and gambling are among the causes of domestic violence

The main reason behind the violence and torture is that husbands want to have control over their wives. Many may think drugs, alcohol and gambling play important roles but in actual fact they do not. These factors have always been used as excuses for violence behaviour. Women are easily led to believe that their husbands may not behave the way they did if they were not drunk, took drugs and gambled.

(4) A woman has failed in her duty if she is not able to provide harmony in the home

A husband has no right to use violence against his wife irrespective of what wrong she may have committed.

(5) Only those men who are poor and uneducated violently abuse their wives

Domestic violence can take place in any home irrespective of the social, economic and educational background.

(6) A husband has the right to do anything to his wife

A marriage does not give one party the right to inflict violence on another.

(7) No one should interfere in the family affairs of others

Committing violence against another person is not a private family affair, it is a crime and society has a responsibility to ensure that crime does not take place.

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